Saturday, June 10, 2017



Yoga means “union”. 
There is not one type of meditation which is “Yogic Meditation”, so here it is meant the several meditation types taught in the yoga tradition. 
Tradition of yoga goes back as far as 1700 B.C, and has as its highest goal spiritual purification and Self-Knowledge. 

The Yoga Sutras are built on a foundation of Samkhya philosophy and the Bhagavad Gita. In the Yoga Sutras, Patanjali prescribes adherence to eight "limbs" or steps (the sum of which constitute
The Eight Limbs of Raja Yoga.The eight "limbs" or steps are: Yama, Niyama, Asana, Pranayama, Pratyahara, Dharana, Dhyana and Samadhi.

Classical Yoga divides the practice into rules of conduct (yamas and niyamas), physical postures (asanas), breathing exercises (pranayama), and contemplative practices of meditation (pratyahara, dharana, dhyana, samadhi).

The Yoga tradition is the oldest meditation tradition on earth, and also the one with the widest variety of practices

Friday, June 9, 2017


First Chakra 

The first chakra is the root chakra, called Muladhara in Sanskrit. The root chakra is believed to be located at the base of the spine at the tailbone in back, and the pubic bone in front which primarily consist of Perineum area.  The root chakra is closely related to one’s contact with the Mother Earth, improving our ability to be grounded into the earth plane. Muladhara is also the center of manifestation. When you are trying to achieve something in the material world, business or possessions, the energy to succeed is supposed to come from the first chakra. If this base chakra is blocked, an individual may feel fearful, anxious, insecure and frustrated.
A man’s sexual organs are located primarily in his first chakra, so male sexual energy is usually experienced primarily as physical. A women’s sexual organs are primarily in her second chakra, so female sexual energy is usually experienced primarily as emotional. Both chakras are associated with sexual energy.

First chakra located slightly outside the base of the spine.  Governed by the deity of innocence and wisdom. 
Mooladhara chakra guards the Kundalini which rests in the sacrum bone against wrongful entry of unholy intentions. 

Governs 2 physical functions of retention and excretion in the body.  Pressures on the elimination organs, such as constipation or diarrhoea causes tensions in the chakra. 
Regulates reproduction in many ways. 

Sexual 'liberation', adultery, perversions used in tantrism, lustful attention, constipation.
Occult practices and drugs

Main enemy of the Mooladhara is ‘lust’

The awakened Mooladhara chakra brings forth wisdom, innocence, strength of dedication, sense of direction
Such a personality is very auspicious and brings good luck of Divine bliss to his surroundings

Main quality of Mooladhara is ‘innocence’

Innocence is the quality by which we experience pure, childlike joy, without the limitations of prejudice or conditionings. Innocence gives us dignity, balance, and a tremendous sense of direction and purpose in life. It is nothing but simplicity, purity and joy. 

Thursday, June 8, 2017



 Second chakra is the Svadhisthana – often referred to as the sacral. It is located two inches below the navel around area of Clitoris in women/ Base of Penis in men). This chakra is believed to hold the basic needs for sexuality, creativity, intuition, and self-worth. It also denotes friendliness, creativity, and emotions. It is also believed to govern a person’s  sense of self-worth, his/her confidence in his/her own creativity, and his/her ability to relate to others in a friendly way.

The second chakra is the chakra of creativity, pure attention and pure knowledge. It is the one which connects us to the inner source of inspiration, and enables us to experience the beauty around us. 

The pure knowledge given by this chakra is not mental, but it is direct perception of the Reality, that can be felt in our palms and indicates our subtle blockages. Also this is the center of pure, steady attention and power of concentration. 

Governs the functions of the kidneys, the lower part of the liver, the pancreas, the spleen, the instestines

Breaks down the fat particles in the abdomen region to replace the grey and white cells in the brain, thus regenerating the capacity of thinking 
Hence, excessive thinking exhausts the sun channel and is a drain on this chakra, making it weak. 

Too much excessive thinking, planning and futuristic attitudes and tendencies also cause the right side of the chakra to be affected. 
When we think too much, this center gets drained of energy and diseases like diabetes or blood cancer can occur when this chakra goes completely out of balance. 
Alcohol affects the Swadisthan chakra because the seat of our attention is not just in the head but also in the liver. 

The Quality of the left Swadisthan is pure, Divine knowledge. Therefore, the left Swadisthan is affected if a person seeks the Supra-conscious knowledge (such as ‘special healing powers’, clairvoyance) or knowledge of the ‘dead’. (such as mediums, spirits)

A creative personality with sense of aesthetics. Many ‘enlightened’ poets, musicians, artists have a clear and awakened Swadisthan chakra.
Has the knowledge and the inspiration of Reality.
Pure attention, pure concentration and ability to absorb new learning easily 
Able to come up with abstract thinking

Main quality of this chakra is ‘creativity’
Main enemy of this chakra is ‘excessive thinking and anger’

        Sanskrit name: Manipura (lustrous gem)
Element: Fire
Color: Yellow
Shape: Triangle (downward-pointing)
Petals of the lotus: Ten
Seed sound: Ram
Vowel sound: Ah
Rights: To act
Endocrine gland: Adrenals, pancreas
Physical association: Digestive system, liver, gall bladder
Psychological function: Will
Identity: Ego identity
Developmental stage: 18 - 42 months(14-21Years)
Challenge: Shame
Planets: Sun and Mars
Incense: Saffron, musk, sandalwood

Herb: Cinnamon, ginger
Crystal-Tiger Eye

Wednesday, June 7, 2017


The Third Chakra 

The third chakra is called Manipura (in Sanskrit) – also referred to as the Solar Plexus Chakra in English. It is located in the navel area. The Manipura chakra is considered as the center of personal power, the place of ego, of passions, impulses, anger and strength. It is also considered the center for astral travel and astral influences, receptivity of spirit guides and for psychic development. When the Third Chakra is out of balance you may lack confidence, be confused, worry about what others think, feel that others are controlling your life, and may be depressed.

Looks after the functions of the stomach and the upper part of the liver. 
If the functioning of the stomach is disturbed, then the process of disgestion and assimilation is affected, and thereby causes tension in this chakra. 
Too much thinking about food or material desires also adversely affects the chakra.  

Centre of Dharma (innate religion). 
Dharma (or code of moral conduct, or righteous behaviour) is necessary for human sustenance and evolution. Man has evolved from amoeba to ape to human beings because of this Dharma – which is code of law of evolution.  This code of life protects and nourishes our spiritual growth.  
Man was given the Ten commandments, as a kind of ‘code of moral conduct.’ Many other incarnations such as Lord Buddha, Prophet Mohammed also came to establish this Dharma or righteous behaviour.
Also the Centre of Welfare

As prosperity grew, the greed for money increased. Instead of receiving satisfaction from money, people started becoming obsessed with it, therefore causing great tensions and blocks at this chakra. 
The quality of the right side of this chakra is our action in the realm of material well-being, diet, financial-arrangements, business, planning for the future, clear thinking and logic. A disorganised lifestyle, finance and lack of logic indicates disturbance in this area.  

The left side of this chakra is affected by disrespect to the wife, household worries, a prob lem of aggressive wife and constant panic. 
The load of a hectic lifestyle falls on the spleen and weakens the left side of this chakra. 
A weak left side makes on vulnerable to allergies, bacteria, fungus and parasites, etc.  

The third chakra is the one that gives us the sense of generosity, complete satisfaction and contentment. 
On the left side, the main quality of this center is peace - clearing this chakra can relieve stress and tensions. 
On the right side, it looks after our liver which is the organ of our attention and power of concentration. 
When enlightened by the Kundalini, the Nabhi chakra gives us our spiritual ascent, righteousness and inner sense of morality, and complete balance at all levels in our life.
Main quality of this chakra is ‘satisfaction and balance’
Main enemy of this chakra is ‘greed and adharma’

Void (Ocean of Illusion)

Surrounding the second and third chakra
This is an area of outside influence
It incorporates all the aspects of existence such as personality, effects of planets, our Dharma, our physical sustenance

What happens when our Void is enlightened

From time memorial, the Primordial Master became active and incarnated as the great masters. 
The 10 incarnations are Lao-Tze, Socrates, Moses, Confucius, Zoroaster, Mohammed, Guru Nanak, Abraham, Raja Jank, Sai Nath of Shirdi.  
The 10 incarnations also correspond to the 10 petals of the Nabhi chakra. 

When the Kundalini enlightens the Void, then one becomes one’s own guru. since you can feel on your fingertips all your subtle problems and have the power to cure them using your own Kundalini. 

Establishing this center helps us get rid of all our habits, laziness, gross attachments, and everything that enslaves us in a way or another: we become our own master.  

     What affects the Void

Unfortunately, today there are many charlatans and false gurus who are masquerading as masters and blocking the void of the pupils. 
For a seeker, it is difficult to recognise a true master as such a person is often deceived by the master’s appeal to his own ego conception. 
Following false "gurus" who are more interested in power tricks or your purse can damage very much the Void area. But after Self Realization, everything can be cured through the purifying power of the Kundalini in meditation. 


Fourth Chakra 

The fourth chakra is the Heart (Anahata) chakra.It is located in the central of the spine near the heart, with its exact location between the center of two breasts. This Chakra is the center for love, compassion and spirituality. It directs one’s ability to love themselves and others, to give and to receive love. This is also the chakra connecting body and mind with spirit. When this chakra is out of balance you may feel sorry for yourself, paranoid, indecisive, afraid of letting go, afraid of getting hurt, or unworthy of love.

The fourth chakra, the chakra of the heart, is the place where resides our Spirit, our true Self, which is eternally pure and unaffected by anything, like a shining diamond hidden within us which witnesses all our actions. 
Our Spirit is the Source of compassion, the source of Joy and Pure Love.  All the incarnations and prophets all spoke about compassion and the need to become the Spirit, i.e. through Self-Realization.  

After Self Realization, our attention becomes for the first time connected to our Spirit and we gradually become aware of it. Our misidentifications with our ego or conditionings drop and we start becoming identified with our Spirit, which is our true nature.  

On the physical level, this chakra looks after our heart and lungs - if affected it can cause asthma or various heart conditions. 

On the left heart, it gives us the quality of compassion and love
At the centre, it manifests as complete security and confidence (at the level of the sternum bone). Antibodies that protect us against disease and negativity are formed in the bone which lies in this area.
At the right heart, it gives us the sense of responsibility and pure behaviour towards others  - the protocol of the heart.  
All our worries, doubts and fears are destroyed when the heart chakra is fully enlightened by the Kundalini. 

On the physical side, the heart is the pump of the body/ Hence, any mental or physical excess strains the chakra and leads to a heart attach in advanced stages. 
Use of the body as an instrument of athletic display or hatha yoga fatigues the heart chakra.  


           Sanskrit name: Anahata - unstruck
Element: Air
Color: Green
Shape: Crescent moon
Petals of the lotus: Twelve
Seed sound: Lam
Vowel sound: Ay
Rights: To love
Endocrine gland: Thymus
Physical association: Heart, lungs, circulatory system, arms, hands
Psychological function: Love
Identity: Social identity
Developmental stage: 3.5 to 7 years
Challenge: Grief
Planets: Venus (lunar, feminine), Sun
Sense organ: Skin
Predominant sense: Touch
Incense: Jasmin, lavender, rose
Herb: Yarrow, meadowsweet, oris root
Crystal: Rose Quartz, malachite

Tuesday, June 6, 2017


Fifth Chakra 

The fifth chakra is the Throat Chakra also known as Vishuddhi Chakra in Sanskrit. It is located at the throat and is the center of communication, sounds, and expression of creativity via thought , speech, and writing. The possibility for change, transformation and healing in a person are located here. When this chakra is out of balance you may want to hold back, feel timid, be quiet, feel weak, or can’t express your thoughts.

The Vishuddi chakra is the first filter of the body, hence it is a very sensitive centre and guards against outside viruses and bacteria. 
Inhalation of any pollutant industrial exhaust or smoking chokes this chakra. 

Its sensitivity is disturbed by the indiscriminate chanting of mantras. 
Mantras given by false gurus greatly damage its sensitivity. 

The fifth chakra is the chakra of diplomacy, of pure relationships with others, and of playful detachment. 
It removes all our guilt and remorse when it is opened by the Kundalini, and gives us a kind and compassionate voice. 
The tendencies to dominate others or to feel dominated by others, the feelings of superiority or inferiority and all jealousies are removed when this chakra is nourished by the Kundalini. 
Also, the Vishuddhi is the chakra which gives us the connection with the whole, enabling us to feel our oneness and the fact that we are all part and parcel of the whole. 

When this chakra opens out, we drop out guilt, our superiority, inferiority complex. 
Guilt is a myth. It is an expression of ego that is not fulfilled. 
When we realise our True identify of the Spirit, the myth of guilt simply drops. 

The human microcosms awakens to the cosmic macrocosm. 
Through understanding the Deity of this chakra, we can learn how through diplomacy human beings can overcome adversity through artfulness. (not cunningness)

          Sanskrit name: Visuddha
Element: Akasha
Color: Blue
Shape: Crescent
Petals of the lotus: Sixteen
Seed sound: Ham
Vowel sound: Eee
Rights: To speak
Endocrine gland: Thyroid and Parathyroid gland
Physical association: Throat, ears, mouth, shoulders, and neck
Psychological function: Communication
Identity: Creative identity
Developmental stage: 7 -12 years
Challenge: Lies
Plane: Human plane, where the dark night of soul ends
Planets: Mercury
Deity: Sadasiva, Sakini
Mythological Animal: Elephant, bull, lion
Incense: Frankincense

Monday, June 5, 2017


Sixth Chakra 

The sixth chakra is referred to as the Third Eye Chakra. In Sanskrit it is known as Aagya Chakra i,e. Command wheel. It is located above the area of physical eyes on the center of the forehead. This is the center for psychic ability, higher intuition, the energies of spirit and light. It also assists in the purification of negative tendencies and in the elimination of selfish attitudes. Through the power of the sixth chakra, one can receive guidance, channel, and tune into your Higher Self. When this chakra is not balanced you may feel non-assertive, afraid of success, or go the opposite way and be egotistical. Please also read Third Eye Meditation.

The sixth chakra is the chakra of forgiveness and compassion.
Forgiveness is the power to let go of anger, hatred and resentment.
Forgiveness lets us discover, in humility, the nobility and generosity of the Spirit.

Forgiveness dissolves all our ego, conditionings, habits, false ideas of racialism, and all our misidentifications.
It is the narrow gate which opens the way 

In the sixth step of evolution, Christ came to absolve human beings of all sin. He forgave and took upon himself all sin. 
He helped man to realise his own ego by allowing hmself to be crucified; great penance was aroused in man, thus enabling him to see the monstrosity of his own ego and this brought about humility in him.  

The Christ established within this chakra gives the potential for human beings to forgive and be forgiven, to clear themselves from the effects of their sins and karmas. 

Hence, when we forgive others, our ego is reduced and Kundalini is able to pierce through this chakra and rise in its full glory at the seventh chakra. 
To rise above the ego, one has to forgive everyone.  

Roving eyes disturbsn the attention of the Agnya chakra. 
Too much visual entertainment or television or computers adversely affects this chakra.  

Wrong notions about God block this chakra. Religious people become dogmatic; they get stuck to the letter of the scriptures and miss out the essence of the prophets. Once should not become rigid. Let us seek the spirit of the Buddha, not Buddhism, the Christ, not Christianity.

for our consciousness to ascend to its final destination, which is the seventh cen

Sanskrit name: Ajna - To perceive, to command
Element: All elements combined, light
Color: Indigo
Shape: Five pointed star
Petals of the lotus: Two
Seed sound: Aum (Om)
Vowel sound: Mmmm
Rights: To see
Endocrine gland: Pituitary gland
Physical association: Eyes, base of skull, brow
Psychological function: Intuition, imagination
Identity: Archetypal identity
Developmental stage: Adolescence
Challenge: Illusion
Planets: Saturn, moon
Sense organ: Mind
Predominant sense: Neutral
Incense: Mugwort

Sunday, June 4, 2017


Seventh Chakra 

The seventh chakra is referred to as the Crown.
It is the upper terminal point of the central channel (sushumna-nadi) and the final destination for the awakened serpent-power (kundalini-shakti). When the kundalini, the force of Devi, reaches this center, this signals the merging of Shiva and Shakti.

It is the center of spirituality, enlightenment, dynamic thought and energy. It allows for the inward flow of wisdom, and brings the gift of cosmic consciousness. This is also the center of connectedness with the Goddess (God), the place where life animates the physical body. The silver cord that connects the aura bodies extends from the crown. The soul comes into the body through the crown at birth and leaves from the crown at death. When this chakra is unbalanced there may be a constant sense of frustration, no spark of joy, and destructive feelings. Illnesses may include migraine headaches and depression. Balanced energy in this chakra may include the ability to open up to the Divine and total access to the unconscious and subconscious.

          Sanskrit name: Sahasrana - thousand petaled
Element: No element, or thought
Color: Violet or white
Shape: Round
Petals of the lotus: One thousand
Seed sound: Ah, om
Rights: To know and to learn
Endocrine gland: Pinneal gland
Physical association: Central nervous system, cerebral cortex
Psychological function: Awareness, understanding
Identity: Universal identity
Developmental stage: Throughout life
Challenge: Attachment
Plane: Truth, reality

Incense: Myrrh
Herb: Gotu Kola
Sephira: Kether

           Crystel-quartz crystel , amethyst

The seventh center integrates all the chakras with their respective qualities.
It is the last milestone of the evolution of human awareness. Nowadays, we are at a level which corresponds to this chakra, and our consciousness is able to easily enter into this new realm of perception, which is beyond our limited mind and concepts, and which becomes absolute at the level of the Sahasrara.
This chakra gives us the direct, absolute perception of Reality on our central nervous system.
This is precisely what is achieved by Self Realization, through the spontaneous awakening of the Kundalini given by Sahaja Yoga. 


SYMPTOMS OF BLOCKED  ROOT CHAKRA        When the root chakra is blocked we often become spacey, frustrated with our work, and feel...