The Third Chakra
The third chakra is called Manipura (in Sanskrit) – also referred to as the Solar Plexus Chakra in English. It is located in the navel area. The Manipura chakra is considered as the center of personal power, the place of ego, of passions, impulses, anger and strength. It is also considered the center for astral travel and astral influences, receptivity of spirit guides and for psychic development. When the Third Chakra is out of balance you may lack confidence, be confused, worry about what others think, feel that others are controlling your life, and may be depressed.
Looks after the functions of the stomach and the upper part of the liver.
If the functioning of the stomach is disturbed, then the process of disgestion and assimilation is affected, and thereby causes tension in this chakra.
Too much thinking about food or material desires also adversely affects the chakra.
Centre of Dharma (innate religion).
Dharma (or code of moral conduct, or righteous behaviour) is necessary for human sustenance and evolution. Man has evolved from amoeba to ape to human beings because of this Dharma – which is code of law of evolution. This code of life protects and nourishes our spiritual growth.
Man was given the Ten commandments, as a kind of ‘code of moral conduct.’ Many other incarnations such as Lord Buddha, Prophet Mohammed also came to establish this Dharma or righteous behaviour.
Also the Centre of Welfare
As prosperity grew, the greed for money increased. Instead of receiving satisfaction from money, people started becoming obsessed with it, therefore causing great tensions and blocks at this chakra.
The quality of the right side of this chakra is our action in the realm of material well-being, diet, financial-arrangements, business, planning for the future, clear thinking and logic. A disorganised lifestyle, finance and lack of logic indicates disturbance in this area.
The left side of this chakra is affected by disrespect to the wife, household worries, a prob lem of aggressive wife and constant panic.
The load of a hectic lifestyle falls on the spleen and weakens the left side of this chakra.
A weak left side makes on vulnerable to allergies, bacteria, fungus and parasites, etc.
The third chakra is the one that gives us the sense of generosity, complete satisfaction and contentment.
On the left side, the main quality of this center is peace - clearing this chakra can relieve stress and tensions.
On the right side, it looks after our liver which is the organ of our attention and power of concentration.
When enlightened by the Kundalini, the Nabhi chakra gives us our spiritual ascent, righteousness and inner sense of morality, and complete balance at all levels in our life.
Main quality of this chakra is ‘satisfaction and balance’
Main enemy of this chakra is ‘greed and adharma’
Void (Ocean of Illusion)
Surrounding the second and third chakra
This is an area of outside influence
It incorporates all the aspects of existence such as personality, effects of planets, our Dharma, our physical sustenance
What happens when our Void is enlightened
From time memorial, the Primordial Master became active and incarnated as the great masters.
The 10 incarnations are Lao-Tze, Socrates, Moses, Confucius, Zoroaster, Mohammed, Guru Nanak, Abraham, Raja Jank, Sai Nath of Shirdi.
The 10 incarnations also correspond to the 10 petals of the Nabhi chakra.
When the Kundalini enlightens the Void, then one becomes one’s own guru. since you can feel on your fingertips all your subtle problems and have the power to cure them using your own Kundalini.
Establishing this center helps us get rid of all our habits, laziness, gross attachments, and everything that enslaves us in a way or another: we become our own master.
What affects the Void
Unfortunately, today there are many charlatans and false gurus who are masquerading as masters and blocking the void of the pupils.
For a seeker, it is difficult to recognise a true master as such a person is often deceived by the master’s appeal to his own ego conception.
Following false "gurus" who are more interested in power tricks or your purse can damage very much the Void area. But after Self Realization, everything can be cured through the purifying power of the Kundalini in meditation.